ACRA SEMPA ACRIA (Akrotiri is Always Ready)Keo

RAF Akrotiri Virtual Tour

An organised archive of lots of pictures of RAF Akrotiri, including St. Johns, Episkopi and other places of interest

2361 pictures and counting!


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Steve Lodge  (15 Aug 2024 12:59)
As a founder member of the Tadpoles in 1971 I often wonder what happened to the Club records from that time. I know the pool is now demolished and the swim club relocated to the new camp pool but did the record books follow?

Simon Burns  (11 Jul 2024 22:28)
Has anyone got photos of the honours boards in the clubhouse before it was demolished ?

Kelly mason   (18 Jun 2024 08:58)
Hi all I lived in Hawker Drive from 71-76 does anyone remember my cat called Simon, he came with ghe house

Frances Harper  (05 Jun 2024 14:35)
I lived at 28 Kent Crescent, Kensington Village, Episkopi from March 1958 to July 1959. My father was a chaplain in the RAF. My best friend was Caroline Adams, her father was in the Army, they lived two doors away. The school buildings were nissen huts and a bus took us there. I still have some of the school work we did there. I was in the brownies. My brothers and I used to play on the cliff tops on the other side of the back garden fence, but our parents didn't know that! I was 8 at the time, my brothers younger! As a family we used to go down the cliffs along a narrow path to Tunnel beach. I have very good memories of the time spent there, and still now certain scents and sounds take me back to that time. I'm looking for photos of the school at that time and of the houses in the village. If anyone has any, could they please scan them and send them to me? Maybe someone was there when I was.

Colin Matthews  (09 Apr 2024 06:12)
1956 to 1959 JARIC MEMORIES

Stuart   (26 Mar 2024 21:17)
Anyone remember John Neild , Gwen , Stephanie and Stuart
John nurse worked at the base hospital and on sea kings

Mike Ahern  (15 Mar 2024 16:24)
My dad was with Royal Signals in Episkopi and we lived on Durham Road 1960/2. I went to St. John's for one year 1961/2. Great days

dominicsivill  (14 Jan 2024 17:19)
Hi Denise I remember you , I lived at Surrey park Kensington village , I went by the name of Do Do .I new Tim and Ian , Paul and Mike salmon , Linda Brooks and many more. I was though a few years younger so you might not remember me, you have though been to my house in Surrey park on several occasions.

Alexander  (18 Nov 2023 00:28)
Anyone else who lived here during 2003 - 2009?

Michael McArdle  (28 Sep 2023 09:17)
Hi , My Dad Station Warrant Officer Cyril McArdle was stationed at Episkopi and Akrotiri between 1963 and 1966. Lived at 10 Down Rise and 12 Verity Close.
Went to school at Beringaria, & St. John?s.

Christopher Gardner  (19 Sep 2023 16:38)
12 month unaccompanied at Akrotiri?.1974
1977-1980 lived in Queen Street, Akrotiri
1987-1990 lived in Manning Ave, Akrotiri
Seven great years in the RAF. Worked on the Gas Plant.
Was into Water Ski club and Boardsailing club.
Did model aircraft flying on the salt lake.

Carol Bloomfield  (07 Aug 2023 16:33)
My sister and myself along with our parents lived in Berengaria Village from February 1957-May 1958. We were supposed to be there for 2.1/2 years but that was cut short due to the EOKA terrorists. We returned to England after 15 months. I have such fond memories of the place and even remember our address as being 13 Citrus Square. Our father worked at Episkopi but to this day we don't know what he did! I was friendly with Shirley Michell, June Gaye, David and Michael Pitt but can't remember the others. I was in the 2nd Limassol Brownie Troop too. I remember seeing Jon Pertwee who performed in a show once but being positively geriatric now I can't remember any details. My sister and myself were June and Carol Evans. Our favourite beach was Ladies Mile. I would love to go back to Cyprus for a holiday but know it would be a mistake as it was idyllic and unspoilt back in the 1950s. Good times!

Denise Richardson   (12 Jul 2023 06:57)
Hi all. Posting this hoping to connect with a couple of old friends. We lived in Westmoreland park episkopi 63-68 approx. I went to St John's and have 3 siblings, Jacqueline, Phillip, marialouisa. Parents Ricky Richardson & Mercedes Richardson. I remember Ian Longworth and Tim (Tim had polio ) spent many happy hours at the beach, ladies Mile and tunnel beach dancing to the Beatles! My sisters remember the saddle club and walking through the tunnel swimming our to the pontoon. Great memories.!!

Tony(Anthony)Carter  (19 Jun 2023 15:17)
I was five in 1965,for the first six months we lived at Larnacos (Filopimenos) St, Limassol, then for 2 1/2 years at 11 Citrus Sq. Does anyone know Bob and Ann Miller , they lived in Citrus Sq , Berengaria for the same time.(10 years ago I had a Stroke it is a little challenging.

Rainy Whiteley  (27 May 2023 00:55)
Our family lived on Tyrone st. in Episkopi parents Jim and Jennie, sisters Lennie, Mari, Beverley and Jody. 63 to 67 I think

Harrisons  (01 Mar 2023 14:27)
We were near end of Barnet road 72/73, happy times ! David, Christine, Phil and Dawn

Frederick Ricks  (14 Feb 2023 14:21)
Hi admin, Your posts are always well-structured and logical.

Billy Grisdale  (30 Nov 2022 22:37)
My dad Bill Grisdale was a chief tech in the RAF, we were in Cyprus (1970 - 74) welived in Limassol first then moved onto camp - Akrotiri. David, Linda and Kevin would have gone to st johns, I was at primary then Berengaria,we lived on Princess street, every weekend if dad was not working we would be at the beach (any beach) sometimes camping all weekend, Ladies mile, Buttons bay, Famagusta. Kevin played football at Happy vaiiey. I can remember Mrs Adel at primary school, swimming lessons in the sea near the sailing club, the massive scalextric at the youth club on camp I remember it was a 4 lane sit down race, going to school watching silver Lightning fighters going vertical.Ted next door to us had a VW white camper, when dad was working he would take us to the beach with sliding door wedged open (no health & safety then thank god, mum and dad were always at the sgt's mess, while my brothers and sister were causing havoc, I also remember a few visits by the military police to which my dad was not best pleased. but all in all what an amazing time, we've now travelled the world but I've never been back,I would like to remember those magical days as they were now that I'm the only one left to remember those memories.

ClezeripLover  (26 Nov 2022 15:50)

Helolymn  (14 Nov 2022 01:26)
Hello. And Bye.

zenda Look  (19 Oct 2022 14:41)
@Ray Richards i was in cyprus when the water spouts hit akrotiri and limassol.My brother John worked there and was caught up in it at the airport and hid under a steel table in a hanger.

ClezeripLover  (18 Oct 2022 05:05)

Mike Walker  (27 Aug 2022 15:58)
Dad was the Royal Signals RQMS in Episkopi until he was demobbed back to the UK in 59. We lived at #2 Down Rise and I went to the Army Children's School. Class teacher was called Dai. He also taught Boxing and he drove a Vauxhall Victor, the one with fins at the back, a bench seat and a gear stick attached to the steering wheel. Favourite memories include the Scouts, Happy Valley (and mucking out the horses in the stables) and exploring the valley behind our house which was also used as an assault course with cardboard soldiers popping up and taking our gang by surprise.

Booker Minogue  (24 Aug 2022 01:24)
Give your new site a boost, submit your site now to our free directory and start getting more clients

Pat Shannon  (03 Mar 2022 16:41)
was at RAF Akrotiri 63-66.I worked in the airmens mess and the transit mess.In July, 63 I was a founder member of a Beatles tribute band(must have been the first on the planet)We played at Berengaria club and Jamaica johns cellar bar on the by-pass.We were called Mi5 and stayed togetger till leaving the island in 66.Does anyone remember this or have any photos as mine were destroyed in a fire.Would be nice to hear from anyone of that time.Best wishes to all.

Ian McCrae  (07 Feb 2022 23:33)
I lived briefly in Berengaria Village in 1952 and was in the 51st Cyprus Boy Scouts
I think it was a turning point in my life and didnt want to return to cold old England, now live in the Tropics of North Queenland. Absolutely loved Cyprus even though I was only 8 years old. Dad was in the RAF and when the Greeks and Turks started fighting it was decided to send us back to England. At one stage I seem to remember a house in Berengaria being blown up. I do recollect the camp being fenced off with rolls of barb wire and I think my Father was rostered to patrol the wire. we lived in 5 Olive Grove. Just recently been doing a bit of Family historyfor my younger sister, identifying areas where we lived and lokked on Google Earth for Berengaria Village and saw it was all demolished but could still pick out the roads, very surprised how all of the surrounding area has been built upon, which all used to be natural bush.

GlennChors  (17 Dec 2021 03:59)

Janette Howes  (06 Nov 2021 08:15)
Hi I was wondering if anyone could help. My husband was in the army in Cyprus in 1976. He has quite fond memories of being there and said it sorted him out! He has a memory of being out on a morning exersise and stopped at the edge of a cliff to rest. He said the water was so clear you could see to the bottom so he thought it was shallow. The next thing he knew his Sargent had pushed him over the edge and into the water. He thought he was going to die but he said it was wonderful. He has always wanted to revisit but has no idea where it is or how to find out. If anyone could help I would be very grateful.

Jim Spreadborough   (02 Nov 2021 09:49)
At RAF Akrotiri 1957 to 1958. Many good memories

Mike Ahern  (26 Oct 2021 20:55)
Great memories living first in Limassol and then in Episkopi 1959 to 1962. Went to St John's 1961-62. Many happy times at Tunnel Beach and Happy Valley

Verity Spencer ( nee Lines)  (15 Sep 2021 19:06)
Have very happy memories of living at RAF Akrotiri between 1972 and 1975, despite the troubles. Compo rations (during the war); the chocolate tin was first to be opened!). St. John's School; loved the English and drama teachers; and playing Queen Henrietta Maria in the school play. Freezing juice wrapped in a teatowel so had access to a chilled drink throughout the hot school day; swimming lessons in the sea were gorgeous but always too short as we had to treck in school bus from Tunnel Beach back to school.Ladies Mile beach and, unknown by our parents ,climbing down the cliffs to swim at, what we called, Submarine Bay. Anyone remember Niazis? Fab restaurant in Limassol serving delicious kebabs. Member of the stables; happy times having lessons and going out on hacks. Horses names remembered! MCduff, Sandy, Trooper and Trixie! Friends were Lis Norman and Karen Hutchison.

Michael Redmond  (31 Aug 2021 19:12)
Was there as a youngster from 67 to late 69. Still remember so much. Best place ever. Dad...Frank Redmond, was with the Vulcan Bombers. Lived in Berengaria...went back to visit 20 years later while on a UN tour with CAF and so much had changed.

Linda Mcdavitt  (19 Aug 2021 11:19)
I lived in Akrotriri 64 to 67 and they were the 3 best years of my life. I went to Berengaria school first then for some reason which I cant remember moved on to St. Johns Episkopi 18months later. I did my Duke of Edinburghs award there which was great fun and ended up going back to the UK to receive my award at B Palace. My friends then were Shirley Taylor, Jane Montgomery Anette Weaver and many many more I sadly cant remember. Ive often wondered about going back but I know the area wont be the same which wld be sad and a disappointment as I wld want it to be all the same so ive never gone.

Iain Carstairs   (15 Aug 2021 12:04)
Anyone remember Don Moffat ? He was the Drama teacher when I was at St John?s Episkopi circa 1969-1972 he put on a couple of productions while I was there ?Oliver? and Royal Hunt of the Sun

Les Brown  (03 Jun 2021 13:07)
I was a member of the 58th Akrotiri Scout Group. I lived at 1 Princess Street from March 1965 to December 1968. I attended Akrotiri Primary then St John's Episkopi. Great three years of my childhood.

Christine Wood  (28 May 2021 19:40)
I lived at 29? princes street around 1966 and Andrew Way in 1973 went to school in Episkopi on the second tour. Was there for the invasion had loads of families living in the house and remember getting supplies delivered to feed everyone with rations and queuing at the Naffi for teabags for Mum... happy days ????

Alex Halliday  (09 May 2021 06:06)
I went to Berengaria junior School in the late sixties and early 70s. My father was in the RAF Regiment. The teacher I remember was a beautiful lady called Mrs Graham. I remember sunny days, sand pits that you could jump into from a height and wee tin hut class rooms that we got taught in. In one class we made sweets and everyone used to collect and swap stickers! Very happy days!!

Robert Barr  (24 Apr 2021 19:02)
I lived at 13 Pembroke Park? ( North Paramali from the summer of ?70 through to summer ?72, my father being a Civil Engineer I?ve not been in contact with anyone from that period.I would love to hear from anyone who knew me during that time particularly Iggy Suttcliffe and Michael Morgan, also Robert McCreary (sp). My brothers were both at St. John?s - James being Head Boy in ?72- ?73 . I went to the Junior School towards the North end of the Cantonment also I was a Cub- the base was a little Nissen hut in the middle of nowhere. I remember fondly the Sailing club down on Acrotiri Bay next to the runway- you got a great view down there , on one occasion a U2, on another a Blackbird! I was surprised to read about the fire in ?98 that destroyed parts of North Paramali. I went back to visit in ?87 whilst studying at the Cyprus College of Art in Lemba and nothing had changed apart from the higher security due to the security threats.. I remember the grocery van that would do the rounds -( an old grey Commer) , Shab Din?s curry house in Happy Valley, endless football and Athletics in The Valley. A memorable trip through the tunnel to the beach in a 1960 Mercedes driven by a friend?s mother- Mrs. Kindell. I remember the roads awash with fermenting grape juice dripping from trucks winding through the garrison main road. An amazing air show in the summer of ?72 , watching from the cliffs above Tunnel Beach with all the school kids in awe- Vulcans, Buccaneers, Phantoms , a VĂ­ctor , Lightnings, maybe a Harrier too!
We were pretty free in those days to get to see most of the Island- holidays in Belapais Kyrenia, trips to Larnaca and Famagusta and of course up to the Troodos where my father had built the highest NAFFI in the world. We narrowly missed the big bust up after a year living in Limassol until the summer of ?73. A year later I remember seeing ITN news at midday and watching the disaster unravel in ?74 . Maybe it was all Kissinger?s fault, I don?t know. I once met someone ( a Greek Cypriot)who was doing his National Service when it all went off. He reckoned that the invasion had all been planned and agreed on by the Turkish and Greek top brass beforehand.I don?t know if that?s the case, we might never know.
Perhaps the most idyllic memories are of Paramali beach which was then only for the use of ?Officer families ?a very secluded affair with rafts to swim out to and its own private headland to keep the riff raff out . We used to watch the Vulcans doing their bombing practice runs aiming at their target rafts. Well , that?s it- there?s a novel out there waiting to be written hopefully better than Mrs. Hislop?s one!

Colin  (24 Apr 2021 11:35)
I went to Berengaria in 1971 , my first school . My Teacher was Mrs Headly ...... so many moons ago and I can recall many happy memories

Paul louis colman  (21 Mar 2021 09:28)
I attended st johns episkopi 70-73.i was 16 in time of my life.we lived at akrotiri. The played the basketball courts during breaks at school.the youth team I played in was the grasshoppers. Other teams hogs,dynamos. Friends were John barton,Graham Nichol,.I worked as a waiter at the families club at akrotiri for pocket money.spent most of my time at buttons bay.a whole gang getting the bus at the roundabout.we also did a charity 5 a side and the girls buttons dad was a police sergeant at akrotiri. He ran the provost footi team.halcyon days.

Linzee Bickley  (21 Mar 2021 04:10)
Reference the canoes. there used to be about a dozen. Some fibreglass slalom, some wooden tourers. I think we got a grant at one stage for more

Linzee Bickley  (21 Mar 2021 04:06)
I spent many happy trimes at the canoe club between 1973 and 1975.
we had major competitions there, expeditions from epi round the headland to the club and we hosted the Royal Navy during the Cyprus troubles.
Membership topped 50 and many children learned to swim thanks to people like Stu and Dimps

Chris Beal  (28 Feb 2021 09:26)
Lived in Akrotiri, Albion Street 1969 - 1971, Great times!! Bus races to School we were on Akrotiri 1 No. Plate TDU 444. How can I remember that ??

Valerie nee Robinson  (13 Feb 2021 17:24)
Went to St Johns High School Episkopi 1964-1966. Wonder if there is anyone out there who were there too. Best friend was Frances Cook.

Steve  (03 Feb 2021 10:57)
Loved it here!

Ray Walker  (26 Jan 2021 05:31)
Posted to 73 Sqdn In Sept 1957. Lived in Billet 86 didn't have a street name. All we did was Bomb Up Canberra's every day for 2 and a half years, but was casavac back to blighty after 15 months. Took out cartlage from both knees. Am now 82yrs old and can hardley walk. Got a pension but does'nt help.

Goff Tearle  (23 Jan 2021 14:53)
Have some wonderful memories of my time there 67-69. Ostensibly on Strike and then Bomber Wing. However, when sober, spent a lot of time playing in the Tangerine Manhattan pop group with Emo, Olly, Pete and Peter. Always in awe of the Wednesday Morning and spent many great nights listening to them play at the Calypso Bar. Fabulous posting for an 18 year old.

Lyn Ordway  (12 Jan 2021 14:32)
Went back last year and couldn?t believe the juke box was still there! We were in Akrotiri 1979 to 1982.

paul townsend  (16 Nov 2020 13:52)
i did akrotiri 1957 1967, 1970 and 1974 married sacw valora budden we was raf cyprus champion sprinter

had 6 kids

Dave (Dinger) Bell  (08 Nov 2020 16:54)
For Penny, One of Mr Edmondsons class (61-62}, sadly had to leave BG school early on the death of mother in Mar 62.
Also remember most of the names in Dennis Thompsons entry, our paths have crossed a couple of times whilst in RAF blue.

Pete Joy  (21 Oct 2020 19:38)
I was based at RAF Akrotiri in the early 1970's and unfortunately caught the troubles with family evacuated. Luckily, I was posted back 1981-84 to RAF Akrotiri and a good trouble free tour.

Penny  (14 Aug 2020 09:12)
If anyone was in Mr Edmondsons class in 1960 - 1963 please ge
t in touch

Penny  (09 Aug 2020 16:34)
Trying to make contact with Dennis Thompson.
The right Dennis will remember our form teachers name

Dawne Billman nee Thorpe  (04 Aug 2020 13:51)
My ex husband who was RAF was stationed at RAF Akrotiri from 1971 - 74 we had a hiring firstly in Polimedia village just behind Berengeria and then into Limmasol itself we were evacuated on to camp due to being invaded in 74

Katharine Hassan  (11 Jul 2020 06:21)
I lived in Berengaria 1992- 1994. And Episkopi 1996-1998. Father was in army PT core. Amazing place to live. I had my sports days at Happy Valley :)

Russ Baker  (08 Jul 2020 10:52)
Afternoon - can somebody put me in touch with Director of Rugby at Akrotiri? or anyone i can deal with - we are a UK Rugby team based in the west country who may be looking to tour to Cyprus in late October 2021 or Feb 2022 - many thanks look forward to hearing from someone soon!

Carol Wright  (29 Jun 2020 15:06)
Lived at 32 Princes Street 1968/1969 house hit by tornado, temporary move to Limassol rehoused at 26 Barnet Road.

Ray Richards   (28 Jun 2020 14:55)
Lived at 5 Phillip Road from July 1968 - July 1971. Best three years of my childhood. Would love to hear from anyone else who was there around the same time and recalls the damage done to the station by the water spouts / whirl winds around Xmas 1969/70. Have so many fantastic memories of my time there. RAF Akrotiri will always be a very special place for me.

JosephMak  (23 Jun 2020 12:22)

Dennis Thompson  (17 Jun 2020 10:30)
i arrived Cyprus Sep 6th 1960 by MS Dilwara, one of the last troopships, with my parents and 2 siblings. On the 10 days sea crossing we stopped at Gibralter and Malta. Shared a cabin with 3 other kids my age. I was 13. Dad was RAF. Landed at Famagusta then military bus dropping px off enroute to Limassol where we alighted and got booked into Hotel Continental on seafront for a few days while Dad searched for off base accommodation. After 3 days we moved into our first home in Cyprus which was a well built bungalow with address "from Polimedia crossroads go up Ayia Philia (spelling hehe)then take 4th turn on left".
Our unique bungalow and home for a year was last house on the right.
Ole. with such an address no chance getting lost ! School bus to Berengaria ACS pick up point was end of my road. nearest class mates lived not too far away. best friend was Terry Kennelly same class. many weekends we partied his house booze and fags with his parents up at the Akrotiri Sgts Mess functions. no chance my home because siblings disloyal and parents not smoke Facebook Dennis R. Thompson

Dennis Thompson  (17 Jun 2020 10:05)
correction. my facebook account: Dennis R. Thompson Thankyou

Dennis Thompson  (17 Jun 2020 10:05)
correction. my facebook account: Dennis R. Thompson Thankyou

Dennis Thompson  (17 Jun 2020 08:06)
Any oldies still around. Limassol and Akrotiri 1960-62. Age range upper 13 to 16. Attended (sort of) Berengaria Army Childrens School. Class mates included Mick (Butch) Bennet, Terry Kennelly, Jeff Waller (Army Brat), Dave Don, Tom Weaver (my neighbour), Pete Zapasnik, Pauline Oddy, Shemmeld sisters, Pat Shilling, Angie Weaver. and more. Most of us guys were Secondary School products and left school age 15. Nowhere to go except back to UK at RAF expense and then into RAF Boy Entrants or Apprentice training schools but that's another history. I am now 73 and like to hear from anyone before i drop. Facebook Dennis R.

John Cunningham  (23 May 2020 09:28)
At Akrotiri, 1961,62,63,64. 32sqdn canberras. Probably the best time of my life. Used to travel all over Cyprus on motorbikes at the time.

Andrew Wood  (11 May 2020 00:11)
My dad was posted here between 87-89 (Dave Wood, 84 Sqn supply). We lived at 20 The Oval, and I remember our Cyprus days fondly. I joined up myself and spent 14 years in blue, serving on 43 Sqn, the Reds and ACES at RAF Lossiemouth. I now work for an energy company. Mum and dad doing ok, would love to hear from anyone that knew me. I was taught by Miss Butt, Mr Way and Mr Brewerton at APS. Best Regards to all.

Dawn Barrow ( Terry )  (10 May 2020 14:51)
My father was posted to Episkopi 1969-71 abd we lived at 16 Dorset Drive. Went to Episkopi Primary School but spent most of my free time at the saddle club in Happy Valley. Remember all the beach names as if it was yesterday. Visited about 15 years ago and although now gated little had changed. Friends from those days were Diana and PATRICIA Allen Elizabeth Hearle and Julia Chapman. Best days ever

Tracey Humphreys   (29 Apr 2020 08:24)
We were based at Episkopi barracks from 2000-2003 and as well as painting several animal Portraits I also painted Happy Valley. I had the painting printed up into over 500 prints which I donated to the WOs and Sgts Mess at Episkopi. I'm sure they sold many as leaving gifts but I never once got a thank you or any offer to compensate me for all the prints I left as we were emergency evacuated back to UK in 2003 due to my daughters I'll health. It would have been nice to know how many prints were taken and if they even appreciated the donation to the Mess. I guess I will never know.

Georgina Harris  (31 Oct 2019 20:12)
My father was posted to RAF Akrotiri 1968-1971 and we lived in a hiring in Limassol, walking distance to the NAAFI, the Island Club etc. I went to St John?s and started in 3rd year, my brother Philip Harris was in year 1. I remember going on the school bus from Limassol. We used to go to Tunnel Beach for swimming lessons. I also used to go to the riding school near Polemedia, Limassol. We used to go to six mile beach every weekend, six miles out of Limassol. I remember the beer festival, the Keo factory, driving up to the Troodos mountains, Platres village.

Brian Barnes  (22 Sep 2019 16:17)
Was an Army brat here in around 79. Lived in the first house in Princes Street, on the corner of Alexendra Hill. Fond memories.

john.hoath  (05 Aug 2019 19:11)
Was at st. John's '68 to '69. 2nd and 3rd year. A long time ago but I remember it like it was yesterday. Travelled in by bus from Limasol each day. Sports in Happy Valley. Cricket, soccer and athletics. Don't do facebook but wondered if anyone there at same time. Can anyone remember the teacher's names

Duncan Pitkeathly  (01 Jun 2019 04:16)
I was posted to Episkopi in February 1959, and was with 3 GHQ Signal Regiment as a teleprinter operator till end of July 1960, then was demobbed and went back to Edinburgh , loved the posting far far better than being stuck in the UK .Duncan.

Ted Ray  (10 Mar 2019 09:01)
Remember arriving at Nicosia by comet in full No1 carrying Great coat and travelling by car to RAF Episkopi and transported to Paramali were no bed was allocated to me,June 1961

Darren Scott  (05 Jan 2019 18:31)
Great memories of Cyprus.
We lived at 8 Hampshire Terrace 1981-1982 and I went to Episkopi Primary

P Nugent  (14 Nov 2018 15:07)
Ahh memories. I was in Episkopi 65 to 68, R Sigs. Remember Picture House, Naafi,Dodge City, Merc Taxis to Limassol, Bril RAF Cookhouse, Mhukka's opposite,Clifftop Club,is that still there? some good nights there, Istanbul Club in Limassol, Mezzis, Episkopi village late nights/early morning drinking.Happy Valley. Happy days.

John alexander   (24 Aug 2018 06:58)
Hi, I lived at number one 16 princess street. I lived there with my family, the Alexander's

Penelope Pugh  (25 Jun 2018 13:50)
I remember visiting RAF Episkopi Happy Valley Beach in the 1960s.The beach was partitioned off/ rank segregated...Each area had its own follows Airmen & their women.SNCOs and their wives,Officers and their ladies. When I showed a photo of this to my father,ex RAF Officer WW2 he was disgusted.Trade Gp11 NNNN

Rob Latham  (13 Jun 2018 21:31)
Was in Akrotiri early eighties and had many enjoyable kebabs at Sylvanas just on the strip outside the base. Going back to Limassol next year so wondered if still Sylvanas is still open?
Many thanks

Colin Cope  (09 Jun 2018 14:05)
Charles Street No.8 1971~74

Kipper  (16 Apr 2018 09:39)
I was a member of the club 1969/70 and the last time I visited the club was 1987. My name [Kipper] was in the trophy on the bottom shelf in the clubhouse. Is it still there and could someone send me a photo please?

Thank you

Steve Crook  (12 Mar 2018 12:22)
Dad was posted to RAF Episkopi (as it was then) in early 1972. He was the Principal Dental Officer at RAF Episkopi. We were in a hiring in Limassol for the first few months and then moved to a quarter in South Paramali, No 17 Gloucester Hill. Had a lovely view over the bay from the back garden. I was in my mid / late teens and had a great time there. We travelled all over the island before partition including Troodos, Kyrenia, Paphos etc. Lots of us dependants would get together for kebab nights in Limassol, great fun! Good fun was also had on the beaches including taking part in the Happy Valley to Tunnel Beach swim in 1972 & 1973. I still have the certificates signed by the Station Commander - Group Captain KCD Nixon.

I remember the 1974 crisis well. We could hear sounds of battles in the distance and there were great clouds of smoke from parts of the forest set on fire at one point. I saw a National Guard convoy drive along the main road through RAF Episkopi. We had two families evacuated to us, Corporal Shaw from the Royal Scots and Sergeant Watson from the RAF. The house was suddenly packed with loads of kids and mum cooking up lots of meals from the compo rations with help from the other wives. The same families returned to us for the second evacuation and were then repatriated after a few days. I also helped out cleaning and washing up etc in one of the messes at Episkopi which was serving thousands of meals to trapped tourists and refugees. It was hot work but great to be able help out.

I finally returned to the UK early September 1974 as had to go to college and Dad was posted back to the UK early 1975. I?ve been back for holidays several times since (last time mid 2000?s). The tourist areas are now much more developed but on driving through Episkopi and past Happy Valley, it all looks very much the same! I really enjoyed my time there and it would be great to hear from anyone I knew there then. It?s a long time ago now, but some names I remember are Brian Dawson, Nigel & Ian Taplin, and Kevin Mcdonell .

Alison McFarlane   (02 Dec 2017 17:31)
I used to live at 14 Pembroke Park North Paramali with my parents & worked at Epi Garrison. Then 9 Dorset Drive South Paramali briefly. After getting married at Area Office Akroriri in 1995 I moved to 15 Durham Road on Epi Garrison. Very happy times.

Brian Ashby  (18 Aug 2017 06:07)
I lived at 28 Tyrone Street 1960 to 1966, Aged 6 - 12. The best fun I ever had growing up. Walking through the tunnel to the beach daily to swin out to the pontoons and laze around. Such great memories. Any old photos of 28 Tyrone St would be nice.

Geraldine Parsons was Parker  (02 Jul 2017 20:34)
who was at St Johns in 1970/1973

Geraldine Parsons was Parker  (02 Jul 2017 20:34)
who was at St Johns in 1970/1973

Andrew Batty   (25 Jun 2017 19:40)
I lived at 49 Albion Street 73-75, Mr Bishop was my teacher, not found anyone from that time yet

Carol Wright  (24 Apr 2017 19:24)
Lived at 26 Barnet Road 1969

Sarah Mcconnell  (24 Apr 2017 18:33)
Lived at 7 harding avenue. On akrotiri base.

Ben Passmore  (24 Jan 2017 07:52)
Lived at 5 Tyrone Street, Epi from 1991 - 1994. Loved Happy Valley and sailing at ISYC (now ESSC). Great times!

Steve  (29 Nov 2016 21:18)
Loved Arabs

Barry  (23 Aug 2016 16:50)
Hi. Any photos between 1970
-1973 or Dynamoes football team ?

Janet Stone (Peart)  (22 Jun 2016 17:35)
Best years of my life spent at the saddle club 1965 to 1968.

mike bradley  (18 Jan 2016 15:11)
lived at 18 Westmorland Drive Episkopi with my brothers John and Kevin and sisters Chris ands Cathy.
Dad was in the catering corps.
Loved it there except for the Turkish army ruining my 11th birthday !!!

David Outterside  (19 Jul 2015 20:47)
that was #10 Westmoreland

David Outterside  (19 Jul 2015 20:45)
lived at # 10 in 1963 dad in the Glosters

Stephen Smith  (25 Jan 2015 15:22)
Hi Bernard, unfortunately my hard-disk packed up about a month ago and I lost all the comments and tags. Fortunately I had a backup of all the photos, but everything else was lost.

Bernard G Browne  (25 Jan 2015 15:06)
Where is all the information that I supplied regarding the formation of the Scout group in the mid 1950s and its early history which seems to be wiped from the site great pity as I would have thought it would have been very informative and helpful for the groups many members.

All information correct as of 1988. Many of these pictures have been copied from the web. All copyrights are fully acknowledged. If you have any pictures you'd like to share, email them to Many thanks to Clare Mallon for sending in some pictures.

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