ACRA SEMPA ACRIA (Akrotiri is Always Ready)Keo

RAF Akrotiri Virtual Tour

Picture: 10Port1.JPG



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Rodger De Ramus (29 Mar 2023)
This picture is obviously the sailing club; well maybe. Anyhow, it reminds me of what was known in 1976 as the fisherman's club. I can't tell you the exact location now, I'm 73 y.o. and it was many years ago. There was a huge radar site up on a hill overlooking the ocean and we monitored communications with the U2 Spy Plane. The Fisherman's Club was at the end of that road that ran right in front of the site. They had Guiness beer and other English beers I drank while stationed in England. I liked the Bitter, not the Lagar. Too many memories, too many years past. I still remember the men I worked with, Americans and English. I can't remember his name, but there was a young English military policeman who used to try and break our security as a test for our military police assigned to the U2 as well. It would be a joint exercise and I could hear him climbing on top of the trailer we used as our comm. site. He was so good at his job, but he never gained access to the inside of the trailer. He didn't always get detected, but he never breached the security to the trailer.
I'm just an old man now, living on memories of better days. I loved the island and the people, both civilian and military.
Hey, I just remembered something; we once found a souvenir shop somewhere outside of the base. They had clothes and things that could lay around, like statues only smaller. I bought my wife a dress made of a gauze type material. It was beautiful. I bought my son a bag to carry his school books in like they did at the English schools. My daughter got a toy stuffed animal, I think it was a lamb, very fluffy. She loved it. They are all grown now and I see them occasionally. Wish I could see them more, but they have their own lives and children now.
Sorry, I'm boring y'all, I'm sure.
Thanks for this site. It does bring back some great memories, you should be proud that you have made an old man's day...again.

RAF Akrotiri Virtual Tour